Thursday, July 27, 2006

Rejection 101: addicted to monk

monk is a cool show, wherein because of the obssesive compulsive attitude of the star, he is able to solve homicides... anyway, the episode yesterday was a bit touching... a star killed his wife, but since he's a star, everyones on his side including the captain and couple of detectives EXCLUDING mr. monk...

anyway, mr monk requests for a polygraph test, he passes... then invites the captain and the detectives to the party of their 100th episode(which is an important thing, because of this 100th episode, the satr gets $20M... motive!!!) EXCEPT mr. monk, and there the detectives find the star's stalker, monk goes to his psychologist, tells him the star reminds him of this kid when he was in second grade.. turns out the psychologist went to the party the kid threw where everyone EXCEPT monk was invited... anyway, marcy confesses she did it, everyone believes her... begging mr. monk to believe her... and to be cool for a minute, he agrees with her confession...

mr. monk goes to the set because everyone does.. between asking for forgiveness and watching the star do his time on the threadmill, he realizes that the star can change his pulse, hence cheat on the polygraph test... but it doesn't strike him yet... he watches the taping and remembers everything... he goes back to marcy and convinces her to tell the truth.. but she sticks to her story... he goes back to the scene, and gets the whole story:

the star makes a scene in the bar 2 days before for no apparent reason... reporters flock to the house of the star making them witnesses that he wasn't the one who killed her, he records the shout of the ex-wife from her old old movie, records the rest of the yoga session way low so the wife would turn it up... the shout happens making the wife wonder and when she turns, the star kills her.. marcy knows something because she watched the ex-wife's movie 20 times....

so, no matter how much of a loser he is to the star's eyes, he still has the last laugh... hahahahaha.... we'll show them mr. monk!!!

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