Sunday, September 07, 2008

dahil gusto ko magblog?

does history really have to repeat itself? i guess this time i don't see it that way. either that or i've gotten really really numb

or. wait.

there is a third option.

maybe i've finally learned from my mistakes.


or maybe as cathe just put it-- IT was there all along we just didn't see it.

i guess my advice of taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture is the only logical explanation for that.

but then again, just like history, i found another partner in crime.hah. a new one perhaps. at least it isn't a dark alley we're walking in anymore. well, that was for me, not so sure for her yet.

but yeah, we do miss the "its" that seems to have started crumbling into shit. =)


ps: don't worry this isn't another blog about twilight. although i do prefer the feisty jake in eclipse rather than the whiney one in new moon =)

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