Saturday, June 24, 2006

something in me...

something in me, in my mind tells me, i'm soooo tired... of what? im not sure... the exact reason of why i'm tiring myself out even more..

something in me tells me i can't take it anymore... i just want to give up... but it's embarassing... as i told my roommate, "feeling ko, isang araw bigla nalang ako iiyak" ... maybe then, i'll feel relieved...

the other part of my brain is telling me to stop stressing, but the more i tell that to myself, the more i feel stressed... gosh... the more i panic deep inside.. the harder it is to keep my cool... i resort to bugging my classmates... more like bullying (which i know doesn't affect them one bit)... but then lately, even that i've lost my will to do that... i'm just to tired...

i tried to watch a movie, take out all the stress in me... ended up destroying the movie for kath, coz i overanalyzed it, predicting the whole plot, giving it an alternative plot....

then, i wished i was like mater, the truck in Cars.... living freely...

but then i zapped back to reality, and started panicking...

someone save me!!!!

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