Thursday, April 27, 2006

what is the deal with friendster? why are we so hung up with it? why doo we seek more testimonials when we already have some.. why do we ask people to write us some more testimonials when we know what they say is what you want to hear? do we just have that much time in our hands? i mean come on... why do we look at our profiles everyday, when we can just look at our mirrors and look at ourselves or just reflect on our attitudes? i mean really... we look at our respective accounts more than anyone looks... why do people say back off when they just want everyone to see their profiles? why can't they just keep it to themselves? why do people have 500 ++ friends and then make a new one with the same peole inside it? what's the deal with that... come on... no one in this world knows 2500 (500 * 5 accounts--> doing some math here) people or if they knew 2500 people, they wouldn't be people real close to you... so where is this going?

sorry, i'm just frustrated coz my account's whacked and i can't upload this real great picture of mine{<-- see this? this is me being egotistical... and that's what friendster's done to me!! bwahahaha (my never-ending wicked [witch] laugh)}


Anonymous said...

Thank you!
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Anonymous said...

Good design!
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Anonymous said...

Good design! |