Monday, May 01, 2006

grown up stuff... part II

haha... yup, since my mom was sick, i had to do her go to the bank.... going to SSS was one thing and going to the bank was another BIG thing... and when i say big, i mean big... i mean just one wrong digit, everything will get screwed up.... so anyway, i withdrew (already know how to do that), deposited, went to another bank, tried to deposit a cheque in the atm machine which was totally whacked, so i tried to deposit it inside the bank... it was a success.. then we went to the market.... and uhmm... its not that eeeeewwwww like you're thinking... so anyway, we just bought a few things and went out of there...

**** segue
sam invited me to go swimming in forest hills... i decided to grab the chance since i knew that that would be my last opportunity to go swimming since i would be starting my summer job in a week... we arrived there and found a bunch of people staring at us... my tito asked his friend what was up.... they were marines.... at mukhang lasing na sila... the reason why we didn't want to push our luck of squeezing in the pool.

i'm planning to change my blog layout... hmmmmm.... i'm thinking something cool... something egotistical again... hahaha.... not sure yet.... planning to put a movie corner a music corner... and a blog of course... but i'm still not sure on how to do that yet... yet.... i'm going to think about it....

friendster finally uploaded my pictures... i think ramelaar got sick and tired of me trying to upload the same pictures over and over again...hahaha...

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