Friday, May 12, 2006

Seriously? Seriously… SERIOUSLY…

Why is everything in my life going the opposite way of what I want it to be? Okay not mine...

My one and only bet in American Idol, Chris was just voted out last night… Deal is, he lost to the girl who couldn’t even give the right Elvis beat… so seriously?

Grey’s Anatomy is a different thing… I’ll confess that I cheat when it comes to grey’s anatomy… I read the episodes before I download them, so I could decide until where I am downloading so the dream of their happy ending wouldn’t be ruined… so I won’t be soooooo affected after watching every freakin episode… The Shepherd-Shepherd-Grey fiasco is just intriguing… The Alex-Izzie thing is just sooooo frustrating… We all know alex likes izzie but is just such an ass that’s why he did the nurse… and…. And…. I don’t know… the only good thing I’m watching is cristina and burke and george… so, seriously?! I specifically said that I would download until this episode where everything for me is still right… well, the issue I would want to imprint in my mind, was wrecked because in the same episode, everything went wrong that easily… oh, and the patients were alright…

Reminded me of the days I was obsessing about The Associates… Nope that was not last year, because a year ago, I was obsessing with the radio… I got so depressed with the fate of Robyn and Jonah (separately of course with their cases, careers and all that...) That was exactly two years ago… When I hesitated to move to a place where I’d be all alone (interpretation: I got hooked with the story so bad…) I had to ask my friend (hey there cambro!) to watch the season finale/series ender to tell me the detailed story there is to it… because you know when I cheat, there are no details…

Man, doctors and lawyers… what can make their twisted lives worse…The thing is, I know its not reality… so why do I still watch? What should I do? Take the only thing that remains to entertain me while I’m awake? I probably just affect myself too much because it's the only way to put color to my life... enough to paint it black and white...Maybe I should go back to the radio... It’s less stress in grueling every characters’ lives… But then again, now I can’t stay up too late to finish one episode of you know what…

But then again I think I can… I might… so…whatever..

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