Saturday, July 21, 2007

M. ft.

Rx #1: Mix to make... a miserable life... mix your major internship in your university's hospital with your monthly exams and come up with a homogenous miserable life... "they're just making your life miserable" is my mom's favorite quote when things get out of hand and never did i think that one day, that same phrase would be applicable to me too... try being a senior college student where you think that you're too lazy to study but in reality, you do need the energy because extremely whacked grades.. if that's not enough pressure, trying waking up extremely early for your duty, dispense and compound the pharmacist's orders, run from your duty 5 minutes before your exam starts, and rush back after the exam... oh well.. at least i got 60 hours of major internship out of my way now... only 200++ hours to go...

Rx#2: Mix to make... a completely interesting twist... mix fastfood food, heart to heart talks and moments of filling laughter with new, long-last, or renewed friends, family, roommates and dormates and come up with a total wicked twist in your life... in a span of a week, i never realized how different my life is now compared to when we were first years... never realized how ambiguous someone's change could be...

Rx#3: Mix to make... a totally stressed out kL... mix studying for monthlys, studying for pharmacology, looking for score sheets and wifi signals, doing a pharmacology report with faking the typing of our thesis and come up with an OC kL who would buy domex and air fresheners to scrub immaculately clean room 215 or a crap-talking kL who would sing "Sometimes" by Britney Spears on the drive home or a "depressed-regimen"-ed kL, who would eat twice as much, slack twice as much and fumble and mumble twice as much...

M. ft. - Misce fiat - Mix to make


Joe said...

suspension ba to o solution?

krazyinnarnia said...

sterile soln...haha... as if...